Studio Information
Thank you for registering your dancer at KPL Dance Co. I'm excited for a fun-filled year. Aside from basic dance steps, we will work on basic life skills such as listening, following directions, taking turns, and encouraging others. Ultimately my goal is that all of my students love coming to class and learning to love dance.
Please use this guide as a reference should you have any questions.
Registration is done online through a parent portal called Dance Studio Pro. You can enroll at any time from September - June as long as there is space in the class.
There is also a direct link on the Home page, Schedule & Tuition page, and the Parent Portal page.
​You can also download the KPL Dance Co. App from the App Store.
The annual registration fee is $25 per student.
Tuition for the month will be posted on the 25th of the previous month and it is due by the 1st of the month.
Auto-pay will be run on the 1st unless it falls on a weekend or holiday. In which case, it will be run on the Friday before.
Auto-pay is required for monthly tuition. Tuition is the only thing that will be run on auto-pay. If there is a balance for a costume, tights, or dance shoes, that can be paid manually. You may notify KPL Dance Co. and authorize any additional charges to be run with the card on file.
Most communication from KPL Dance Co will come via email from Please add this email to your contacts list. The email is generated from the Parent Portal.
You will receive monthly tuition statements. A monthly Newsletter will be sent out to keep you informed of any studio information. The most recent newsletter will also be posted on the website under the Newsletter tab.
Code of Conduct
Proper behavior is expected of all students before, during, and after class. Teachers have the discretion to dismiss a disruptive student from the class in the event of improper behavior. Students who repeatedly disrupt classes with improper behavior may be discharged from the studio at the sole discretion of the owner, with or without a warning. KPL promotes a safe and supportive environment. Hitting or pushing is strictly against our code of conduct.
All students will wear the KPL uniform for classes. It is a black leotard dress, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, and black tap shoes. For new students, the leotard must be purchased from the site or at the studio. Tights, tap shoes, and ballet shoes can be purchased elsewhere.
Make-up Classes
Tuition is not refunded for missed classes, but all missed classes can sign up for a make-up class. You can send me an email to ask which class would work best for a make-up.
If the studio is closed for other reasons besides holidays, I will send out an email about make-up classes. My goal is for each class to have at least four classes per month on average. If for any reason, I have to miss a class due to illness or an emergency, I will try to find a substitute. Otherwise, I will set up a make-up class.
Trial Classes
Trial classes are encouraged for dancers that have never taken a class before or to find the class for each dancer that meets their skill level. Trial classes are $25. If the student enrolls in the class, the $25 will be credited toward the monthly tuition.
Dropping a class
Enrollment is month to month from September through June. KPL requires a 30-day notice of your intent to drop a class. There is a limit of 10/15 students per class and there is often a waiting list for classes. Until you notify KPL of a drop, your student holds a spot in the class. Once KPL is notified of your intent to drop the class, the auto-pay will be disabled and you will not get charged. You can always re-register for the class if there is a spot available.
Class Cancelation
There is the possibility of a class getting canceled if there are not enough students enrolled in the class. A refund will be given if there is no option for the student to transfer to another class.
Social Media
I frequently take photos and videos of class to post on our Instagram page. Please let me know if for privacy reasons you would not want your dancer used in the social media posts.
Brooklyn Athletic Club has been kind enough to rent me the space in which to have my classes. They ask that for the safety of the students, for them to always be escorted by a parent while coming into the building. Please use the callbox outside of the building to be let into the building. You would select the KPL Dance Co - Base Therapy option.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should my dancer wear to class?
A: Each dancer will purchase the KPL uniform. See above for information.
Will my dancer perform in a recital?
A: Yes! All of our educational classes will have the option to perform in our Winter show and our Year end Recital.
Can I stay and watch classes?
A: We will have a viewing week on the first class of each month. The curtains will be open, and you will be able to watch class. The curtains will be closed for the remainder of the month to avoid distractions and so that the dancers stay focused.
Is this a month-to-month commitment?
A: We hope that our dancers will stay and grow the year with us. But if you do need to withdraw, we require a 30 day notice. See Dropping a class information above.